avg. price in €/100kg Daily copper price * LME (USD) Daily price
ø/2024 817.56 8,587.89
01/2024 789.24 8,344.30
Day Daily copper price (EUR/100kg) LME (USD)
02/01/2024 793.34 8,430.00
03/01/2024 791.68 8,381.00
04/01/2024 788.46 8,375.00
05/01/2024 788.38 8,346.50
08/01/2024 781.80 8,295.00
09/01/2024 782.68 8,301.50
10/01/2024 780.81 8,285.00
11/01/2024 782.25 8,332.00
12/01/2024 781.68 8,289.00
15/01/2024 775.93 8,238.50
16/01/2024 784.59 8,280.00
17/01/2024 780.85 8,230.00
18/01/2024 776.90 8,189.00
19/01/2024 784.34 8,275.00
22/01/2024 781.81 8,254.50
23/01/2024 786.50 8,283.50
24/01/2024 800.46 8,460.00
25/01/2024 803.44 8,486.00
26/01/2024 801.33 8,447.00
29/01/2024 802.18 8,421.00
30/01/2024 804.15 8,462.00
31/01/2024 809.63 8,513.00
02/2024 794.18 8,310.74
Day Daily copper price (EUR/100kg) LME (USD)
01/02/2024 804.25 8,437.00
02/02/2024 795.97 8,400.00
05/02/2024 799.00 8,329.00
06/02/2024 795.55 8,280.00
07/02/2024 792.79 8,280.50
08/02/2024 786.78 8,202.00
09/02/2024 775.68 8,091.50
12/02/2024 775.05 8,085.50
13/02/2024 783.09 8,185.00
14/02/2024 784.09 8,133.50
15/02/2024 783.13 8,153.00
16/02/2024 797.01 8,322.00
19/02/2024 800.73 8,364.50
20/02/2024 799.06 8,366.50
21/02/2024 808.46 8,472.00
22/02/2024 806.25 8,482.00
23/02/2024 803.13 8,442.50
26/02/2024 795.69 8,373.00
27/02/2024 797.41 8,396.50
28/02/2024 795.81 8,340.50
29/02/2024 798.78 8,389.00
03/2024 822.02 8,675.63
Day Daily copper price (EUR/100kg) LME (USD)
01/03/2024 800.35 8,394.00
04/03/2024 802.18 8,437.00
05/03/2024 801.19 8,429.50
06/03/2024 800.63 8,441.00
07/03/2024 809.62 8,559.00
08/03/2024 806.21 8,552.50
11/03/2024 803.49 8,522.00
12/03/2024 808.19 8,566.00
13/03/2024 821.87 8,727.00
14/03/2024 828.15 8,791.50
15/03/2024 841.98 8,906.50
18/03/2024 847.86 8,973.00
19/03/2024 841.95 8,875.00
20/03/2024 834.73 8,790.00
21/03/2024 837.18 8,873.50
22/03/2024 831.44 8,741.00
25/03/2024 831.50 8,745.00
26/03/2024 831.72 8,764.00
27/03/2024 827.86 8,696.00
28/03/2024 832.25 8,729.00
29/03/2024 Bank Holiday Bank Holiday
04/2024 908.43 9,482.43
Day Daily copper price (EUR/100kg) LME (USD)
01/04/2024 Bank Holiday Bank Holiday
02/04/2024 853.97 8,920.00
03/04/2024 852.55 8,932.00
04/04/2024 876.99 9,257.00
05/04/2024 872.92 9,198.00
08/04/2024 883.41 9,301.00
09/04/2024 879.89 9,295.50
10/04/2024 886.74 9,365.00
11/04/2024 885.67 9,240.50
12/04/2024 907.15 9,402.00
15/04/2024 905.86 9,390.00
16/04/2024 905.49 9,377.00
17/04/2024 911.61 9,434.00
18/04/2024 925.30 9,617.00
19/04/2024 939.73 9,749.00
22/04/2024 947.35 9,814.50
23/04/2024 923.57 9,599.00
24/04/2024 929.35 9,671.00
25/04/2024 937.82 9,791.00
26/04/2024 945.23 9,869.00
29/04/2024 951.74 9,935.00
30/04/2024 954.62 9,973.50
05/2024 948.33 9,954.83
Day Daily copper price (EUR/100kg) LME (USD)
01/05/2024 941.95 9,791.00
02/05/2024 927.02 9,660.00
03/05/2024 930.39 9,737.00
06/05/2024 Bank Holiday Bank Holiday
07/05/2024 938.84 9,847.00
08/05/2024 930.76 9,740.00
09/05/2024 931.11 9,728.00
10/05/2024 946.56 9,942.00
13/05/2024 951.81 10,009.00
14/05/2024 957.75 10,077.00
15/05/2024 968.14 10,221.00
16/05/2024 972.67 10,308.00
17/05/2024 982.94 10,398.00

* The Data and Trademarks are used under the licence from LME. LME has no involvement and accepts no responsibility to any third party in connection with the use of the Data and Trademarks. Onward distribution of the Data and Trademarks by third parties is not permitted.